Edicron is a UK based company who specialise in the supply of electronic valves, thermionic valves, audio valves and valve sockets. We also supply transmitting tubes, industrial valves and industrial tubes which encompasses thyratrons, travelling wave tubes, cathode ray tubes, magnetrons, ignitrons and klystrons. Edicron’s extensive range of classic audio valves includes such famous English brands, as Mullard, Brimar, Gold Lion (not to be confused with Golden Dragon), Cossor, GEC. Marconi and Ediswan Of course no range would be complete without such famous American brands of electronic valves as Sylvania, RCA, GE, Western Electric, Westinghouse, Raytheon, Amperex. And to complete our selection of NOS brands there are the European brands such as RFT, Tesla, Polam, Tungsram, Philips, Telefunken, Valvo. We also supply current brands of audio valves including Sovtek, Electro Harmonix, Svetlana, JJ, Kron, VAIC, Ei. Edicron range of industrial valves and electronic valves include many famous brands, past and present, such as Mullard, Eimac, EEV, Machlett, Philips, Sylvania, STC, ITT, Marconi, Varian, Burle and Thomson. The applications in which the audio valves, industrial valves and industrials tubes are found, are right across the spectrum of sound audio engineering. This includes vintage televisions, vintage radios, guitar amplifiers and Hi-Fi amplifiers. It also covers recording studio equipment, SW radios, broadcast transmitters, RF heaters and X-Ray machines. To go with our valves and tubes, Edicron has a comprehensive range of valves sockets, valve bases and valve connectors. Complimenting our range of electronic valves, valve sockets and valve bases is a range of electrolytic capacitors. Edicron electronic valves are exported from the UK to countries all over the world and can be found on all five continents. Customer care is paramount. Should our customers feel that their interests or their equipment are best served with valves bearing their name, we offer advice on the best representation of their logo, arrange all the necessary printing plates and even hold stocks in the UK of valves pre-printed Edicron specialise in the supply of electronic valves, thermionic valves, audio valves, as well as transmitting tubes, industrial valves and industrial tubes which encompasses thyratrons, travelling wave tubes, cathode ray tubes, magnetrons, ignitrons, klystrons.

Edicron UK - Electronic Valves and Audio Valves

Audio Valves UK Electrolytic Cpacitors Valve Collections ESQ - Edicron Special Quality Valves Sockets for Valves Industrial Transmitting Valves Receiving/Audio Valve Search Audio and Electronic Valves Suppliers UK